<command> --help
man <command>
Run a bash script:
("." refers to current directory)
./breezeway.sh 'request ue detach-ue imsi 001001000033765'
bash breezeway.sh 'request ue detach-ue imsi 001001000033765'
Who's logged on:
View SSH logins:
cat /var/log/secure
Find a file:
locate CGI.pm
Linux Version:
cat /etc/*-release
cat /etc/redhat-release
cat /proc/version
Apache Version:
httpd -v
apachectl -V
MySQL Version:
mysql -V
MySQL Command Line Options:
Perl Version:
perl -v
Current kernel version:
uname -r
last reboot
who -b
yum history
Shift + PageUp
Shift + PageDown
Ctrl + E - go to end
Ctrl + G - go to end
CTRL-l : Clear the screen
CTRL-c : Cancel command.
CTRL-a : Moves cursor to beginning of line.
CTRL-e : Moves cursor to end of line.
Page Up
Page Down
G - end of file
g - beginning of file
In man pages:
f - forward one window
b - back one window
q - exit
Linux distribution name/version:
cat /etc/*-release
lsb_release -a
Disk space usage: df -h
Available memory: free -m
Detailed memory info: cat /proc/meminfo
Processing power: cat /proc/cpuinfo
List Directory Sizes:
du --max-depth=1 /home/michaelt/public_html/wp-content | sort -n | awk 'BEGIN {OFMT = "%.0f"} {print $1/1024,"MB", $2}'
Count files in directory:
ls -l /home/wyogaor/mail/wyoga.org/wyoga/cur | wc -l
Display all files and folders (in /home) sorted by MegaBytes:
du --max-depth=1 /home | sort -n | awk 'BEGIN {OFMT = "%.0f"} {print $1/1024,"MB", $2}'
Get number of directories:
ls -l /home/ | grep -c ^d
cd ../home/catalyst/icdf
pwd (print working directory)
ls (list directory contents)
ls -alh (all, long listing format, human-readable)
ls -d */ (list directories only)
grep (globally search a regular expression and print)
$ grep apple fruitlist.txt
$ grep "mysqldump" .bash_history
$ grep PassivePortRange /etc/pure-ftpd.conf
grep -rnw 'directory' -e "pattern"
grep --include=\*.{php,config} -rnw 'directory' -e "pattern"
-r [recursive]
-n [line numbers]
-w [whole word match]
find /home/ -name horde.sql
find . -type f \( -name "*.class" -o -name "*.sh" \)
find . -type f \( -name "configure.php" -o -name "configuration.php" \)
To find the 10 most recently modified files, sorted in the reverse order of update time (most recent first):
find /some_dir -type f -printf '%TY-%Tm-%Td %TT %p\n' | sort -r | head -n 10
To search for files in /some_dir and all its sub-directories that have been modified in the last 2 days:
find /some_dir -type f -mtime -2 -printf '%TY-%Tm-%Td %TT %p\n'
Specify range. To search for files in /some_dir and all its sub-directories that have been modified in the last 7 days, but not in the last 3 days:
find /some_dir -type f -mtime -7 ! -mtime -3
find /some_dir -type f -mtime -7 ! -mtime -5 -printf '%TY-%Tm-%Td %TT %p\n'
OR (same result)
find /some_dir -type f -mtime +3 -mtime -7
To search for files in /some_dir (and all its sub-directories) that have been modified in the last 60 minutes, and print out their file attributes:
find /some_dir -type f -mmin -60 -exec ls -lah {} \;
Find files modified in the last 20 minutes:
find /tmp -type f -mmin -20 -exec ls -lah {} \;
Find files created in last 7 days:
find /tmp -type f -mtime -7 -ls
find /tmp -type f -mtime -7 -ls | wc -l
Find files belonging to user - last 10:
find /tmp -user bighornm -type f -ls | tail -10
Remove files belonging to user:
find /tmp -user xxxxxx -exec rm -fr {} \;
NOTE: "find" is a file locator while "grep" searches for patterns within a file.
cat (catenate - reads data from files and outputs contents)
cat file1.txt file2.txt
tac filename | less (read file backwards)
less filename
G - end of file
g - beginning of file
/ - search forward
? - search backward
cp (copy files and directories)
cp -R report/ reports/w\ (recursive)
chown (changes the owner and owning group of files)
chown root:root somefile
chown -R root:friends somefile (recursive)
chgrp (Changes group ownership of a file or files)
chgrp -R www-data reports/
chmod 744 ~/yada
chmod -R 744 ~/yada (-R = recursive)
User Group Other
r w x r w x r w x
4 2 1 4 2 1 4 2 1
-rw------- (600) — Only the owner has read and write permissions.
-rw-r--r-- (644) — Only the owner has read and write permissions; the group and others can read only.
-rwx------ (700) — Only the owner has read, write and execute permissions.
-rwxr-xr-x (755) — The owner has read, write and execute permissions; the group and others can only read and execute.
-rwx--x--x (711) — The owner has read, write and execute permissions; the group and others can only execute.
-rw-rw-rw- (666) — Everyone can read and write to the file. (Be careful with these permissions.)
-rwxrwxrwx (777) — Everyone can read, write and execute. (Again, this permissions setting can be hazardous.)
Here are some common settings for directories:
drwx------ (700) — Only the user can read, write in this directory.
drwxr-xr-x (755) — Everyone can read the directory, but its contents can only be changed by the user.
drwx--x--x (711) — cPanel user directories (/home/<username>
mysqldump xxxxxDBNAMExxxxx > xxxxxxxxxx.sql
mysql -u root xxxxxDBNAMExxxxx < databases/xxxxxxxxxx.sql
mysql database_name < database_name.sql
Create an empty file:
touch filename.txt
Create a file with date string:
touch filename_"`date +"%Y_%m_%d"`".txt
mysqldump icdf | gzip > "/home/catalyst/DATA/icdf_db_"`date +"%Y_%m_%d"`".sql.gz"
"%" must be escaped in cron jobs:
mysqldump icdf | gzip > "/home/catalyst/DATA/icdf_db_"`date +"\%Y_\%m_\%d"`".sql.gz"
BUT - if backslashes added to ordinary command, they become part of the name (e.g. "icdf_db_TEST\2017_\08_\28.sql.gz")
Vi Editor:
vi mytest.txt
- Type "i" to enter editing mode.
- Type text.
- Press "Esc" to return to command mode.
- Type ":wq" to save and close.
Viewing, copying, moving and deleting files
ls -l
Display the contents of the current directory
ls -a
ls -ltr
ls -ld /lib/*/
Display also hidden files and hidden directories
Order files by last modified date
Directories only
cp filename /path/dir_name
Copy filename into directory /path/dir_name
cp -r dir_name /path/dir_name2
Copy the entire dir_name into /path/dir_name2
cp filename1 filename2 /path/dir_name
Copy filename1 and filename2 into /path/dir_name
rm name
Remove a file or directory called name
rm -r name
Remove an entire directory as well as its included files and subdirectories
rm -rf name |
Remove an entire directory as well as its included files and subdirectories w/o prompts for all the files |
find /home/modelsig/mail/new -type f -delete
Remove a ton of files to get around "too many arguments" problem
mv filename /path/dir_name
Move filename into /path/dir_name
mv filename1 filename2
Rename filename1 to filename2
cat filename
Display filenames contents
more filename
Display filename in pages. Use spacebar to view next page
less filename |
Better than more |
tac filename | less |
Read from end of file |
head filename
Display filenames first 10 lines
head -15 filename
Display filenames first 15 lines
tail filename
Display filenames last 10 lines
tail -15 filename
Display filenames last 15 lines
tail -f myfile.txt
Outputs the last 10 lines of myfile.txt, and monitors myfile.txt for updates |
Display current directory
cd /path/dir_name
Change to directory /path/dir_name
cd ..
Go 1 directory up
mkdir dir_name
Create directory dir_name
rmdir dir_name
Delete directory dir_name
Finding files and text within files
Update (create first time used) a database of all files under the root directory /
locate filename
locate crontab
Find file filename searching in the database
All files that contain the word crontab
find / -name filename
Starting from the root directory search for the file called filename
find / -name *filename
find -iname "MyCProgram.c"
find -iname "MyCProgram.c" -exec md5sum {} \;
Same as above but search for file containing the string filename
Case insensitive find
Execute command on files found
grep string /path/dir_name
grep -i "the" demo_file
grep -A 3 -i "example" demo_text
grep -r "ramesh" *
Starting from /path/dir_name search for all files containing string
Print matched line + 3 lines after
Search for a given string in all files recursively
which application_name
Search $path for application app_name
whereis application_name
Search $path, man pages and source files for application_name
Archived files
tar -xzf filename.tgz
Decompress tzg file
tar -xzf filename.tar.gz
Decompress tar.gz file
tar -xjf filename.tar.bz2
Decompress tar.bz2 file
tar -czf filename.tar /path/dir_name
Compress directory /path/dir_name to filename.tar
tar -czvf compressed_file.tar.gz file1.txt file2.jpg
Compress multiple files
gzip -c filename > filename.gz
Compress /path/dir_name to filename.tar.gz
bzip2 -c filename > filename.bz2
Compress /path/dir_name to filename.tar.bz2
Using rpm files
rpm -hiv package.rpm
Install rpm called package.rpm
rpm -hiv --force package.rpm
Install rpm called package.rpm by force
rpm -hUv package.rpm
Upgrade rpm called package.rpm
rpm -e package.rpm
Delete rpm called package.rpm
rpm -qpil package.rpm
List files in not-installed rpm called package.rpm
rpm -ql package.rpm
List files in installed rpm called package.rpm
rpm -q str
List installed rpms containing the string str
rpm -qf /path/application_name
Display the rpm that contains application application_name
Starting and Stopping
Start the X system
shutdown -h now
Shutdown the system now and do not reboot
Same as above
shutdown -r now
Same as above
shutdown -r +10
Reboot in 10 minutes
shutdown -c
Cancel a pending shutdown
at 3:00 AM tomorrow at> echo "shutdown -r now" ENTER Control-D
atq (to display the queue) atq 434 Fri Nov 9 15:25:00 2018 a root
atrm deletes jobs, identified by their job number. atrm 434
Schedule a reboot using the at command.
The at command schedules a command to be run once at a particular time that you normally have permission to run. The at command can be anything from a simple reminder message, to a complex script. You start by running the at command at the command line, passing it the scheduled time as the option. It then places you at a special prompt, where you can type in the command (or series of commands) to be run at the scheduled time. When you're done, press Control-D on a new line, and your command will be placed in the queue.
$ at now + 1 minutes at> echo "Hello Fido" > test.txt
at 9:30 PM Tue at noon at midnight at tomorrow (24 hrs. from now) at 2:30 PM tomorrow at 2:30 PM 10/21/2014
Restart Service |
/etc/init.d/service restart
/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv service systemctl restart service-name.service
/etc/init.d/mysqld start /etc/init.d/mysqld stop /etc/init.d/mysqld restart
service mysqld start service mysqld stop service mysqld restart
service mysql start service mysql stop service mysql restart
Mounting filesystems
mount -t vfat /dev/sd(a)(1) /mnt/c_drive
Mount the first partition 1 of the first hard disk drive a which is in fat32 vfat dormat under /mnt/c_drive directory
mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
Mount cdrom under /mnt/cdrom directory
umount /mnt/hda1
Unmout the above
User administration
Display users currently logged in
adduser username
Create a new user called username
passwd username
Define password for user called username
List logged-in users
List users |
less /etc/passwd |
List users name only |
awk -F':' '{ print $1}' /etc/passwd |
who -b |
Last reboot |
last reboot |
List of last reboots |
last root |
list of past logins for user "root" |
Display current user
finger username
Displays info about user username
Log in as root from current login
su -
Log in as root from current login and take root's path
Exit from console login (ie, logout).
Execute command in the foreground
command &
Execute command in the background
Suspend a program
Interrupt a program
List all processes
kill -9 pid
Kill process with id pid
Monitor processes in real time
List the system's hostname
Set/Display network information
host ip
Resolves ip's hostname
ping ip/hostname
Check if ip/hostname is reachable
traceroute ip/hostname
Find network path to ip/hostname
System Information
uname -a
General system information
fdisk -l
List partition tables
cp filename /path/dir_name
Copy filename into directory /path/dir_name
df -T -h
List filesystem disk space usage
List PCI devices
List USB devices
free -m
Display RAM+Swap usage
Program Compile
gcc -o output file.c
Compile a C program
Run a C program you have compiled
g++ -o output file.cpp
Compile a C++ program
Run a C++ program you have compiled
./configure && make && su -c 'make install'
Configure, compile and install a program with Makefile
https://www.computerhope.com/unix/ucrontab.htm https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-do-i-add-jobs-to-cron-under-linux-or-unix-oses/ https://serverfault.com/questions/801257/should-i-edit-etc-crontab-or-run-crontab-e-as-root https://www.thegeekstuff.com/2009/06/15-practical-crontab-examples
When you create a crontab file, it is automatically placed in the /var/spool/cron/crontabs directory and is given your user name. You can create or edit a crontab file for another user, or root, if you have superuser privileges.
System crontabs: etc/crontab; etc/cron.daily; etc/cron.weekly; etc.
LOAD CRONTAB FROM TEXT FILE: crontab /home/catalyst/icdf/script/cron-file.txt
MAILTO=webmaster@wyoming.com # First day of every month at 5am: 0 5 1 * * perl /home/catalyst/icdf/script/ContractExpireNotify.pl
ROOT USER: crontab -l
crontab -u michael.carroll -l crontab /var/spool/cron/crontabs/www-data sudo crontab -l -u jeff
Minute - Hour - Day - Month - Day(s) of Week
# Every minute: * * * * * /home/catalyst/icdf/script/SendMailPerl.pl # * * * * * /home/catalyst/icdf/script/ContractExpireNotify.pl # # Every 10 minutes: # */10 * * * * /home/ramesh/check-disk-space # # Every day at 5am: # 0 5 * * * /home/catalyst/icdf/script/ContractExpireNotify.pl # # Send the job output to a log file: # 0 8 * * * /usr/local/bin/myjob > /var/log/myjob.log 2>&1
crontab -e TO EXIT EDITOR: :x<Enter> quit vi, writing out modified file to file named in original invocation :wq<Enter> quit vi, writing out modified file to file named in original invocation :q<Enter> quit (or exit) vi :q!<Enter> quit vi even though latest changes have not been saved for this vi call
LIST USER CRONTABS: ls /var/spool/cron
VIEW ALL CRONTABS: more /etc/crontab
VIEW SINGLE USER CRONTAB: crontab -u johnvinc -l
CRONTAB LOGS: grep CRON /var/log/syslog tail -10 /var/log/cron cat /var/log/cron | grep johnvinc head -10 /var/log/cron | grep johnvinc
REMOVE CRONTAB: crontab -u johnvinc -r
RESTART CRON: /etc/init.d/cron reload
Testing Cron Jobs By Simulating Cron Shell: https://cronitor.io/docs/cron-troubleshooting-guide
# env -i /bin/sh # cd ~ # env PWD=/root
- Then run the script to see if there's a useful error message.
# /usr/local/bin/Libre_ap_report_mail.pl monthly Can't locate Mail/Sender.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Mail::Sender module) (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.24.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.24 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.24 /usr/share/perl/5.24 /usr/local/lib/site_perl /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl-base) at /usr/local/bin/Libre_ap_report_mail.pl line 6. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/bin/Libre_ap_report_mail.pl line 6.
- Exit, then run # env again to see if there is something missing in the bare shell (/bin/sh).
- Might be able to do a fix on scripts like this:
use lib '/root/perl5/lib/perl5';
Give full access to user and group (i.e read, write and execute ) on a specific file.
$ chmod ug+rwx file.txt
Revoke all access for the group (i.e read, write and execute ) on a specific file.
$ chmod g-rwx file.txt
Apply the file permissions recursively to all the files in the sub-directories.
$ chmod -R ug+rwx file.txt
$ less huge-log-file.log
CTRL+F – forward one window
CTRL+B – backward one window
$ mysql -u root -p
$ mysql -u root -pXXXXPWXXXXX
echo "Some Text..." > myfile.txt
echo "Some Text..." >> myfile.txt
q - to quit out of man page
To view current processes:
ps aux | less
ps aux | grep "process-name"
ps aux | grep "httpd"
ps alx | grep "mysqld"
Putty Text Colors:
* Executable files: Green
* Normal file : Normal
* Directory: Blue
* Symbolic link : Cyan
* Pipe: Yellow
* Socket: Magenta
* Block device driver: Bold yellow foreground, with black background
* Character device driver: Bold yellow foreground, with black background
* Orphaned syminks : Blinking Bold white with red background
* Missing links ( … and the files they point to) : Blinking Bold white with red background
* Archives or compressed : Red (.tar, .gz, .zip, .rpm)
* Image files : Magenta (.jpg, gif, bmp, png, tif)