JavaScript: DHTML API, Drag & Drop for Images and
Layers JavaScript Library. Developer: Walter
Zorn |
A Cross-browser JavaScript DHTML Library which
adds Drag Drop functionality and extended DHTML capabilities to
layers and to any desired image, even those integrated into the text
To convert images or layers into draggable DHTML items, simply
pass their names/IDs to the library's main function 'SET_DHTML()'.
Optional commands
allow to change and customize the behaviour of Drag&Drop items
in multiple ways. For example, you can limit how far a drag&drop
item can be moved, specify the cursor, or multiply drag'ndrop
images. The DHTML API of this DHTML Drag&Drop JavaScript is
easily understandable. It provides methods to moveTo(), resizeTo(), hide() and show() again drag n' drop
elements, or to copy() images right within the
textflow of your page dynamically, and much more. Each DHTML item has
properties such as x, y, w, h, z, defx, defy, defw, defh, defz
(co-ordinates, size, z-index, and their initial default values,
respectively) plus multiple others, which you can read whenever
desired. For instance, to store the current position of a
drag&drop item, you might write its x and y properties into a
<input type="hidden"> form element, from where you could
transmit them to the server. For more details, see the DHTML API
and commands
The idea behind wz_dragdrop.js was not merely to drag around
some layers or images on a page in IE only, but also to be a
cross-browser clientside API for interactive webpages and webbased
applications. |
Resize Instead
of Drag? Holding the <Shift> key down while
dragging an element lets wz_dragdrop.js work in Resize Mode rather
than in Drag Mode. This functionality can be easily activated by
passing the command
RESIZABLE to SET_DHTML(). Or SCALABLE to preserve the width/height
ratio of the element. These commands may be applied, at your option,
either to certain or all drag drop elements. By the way, on these
pages the RESIZABLE functionality has been activated globally.
Functionality Allmost all browsers (see the following
list), except of a few rarely used ones, should be able to interpret
this DHTML Drag 'n Drop JavaScript.
Linux: Browsers based on the Gecko-engine
(Mozilla, Netscape 6+, Galeon...), Konqueror 3.2+,
Netscape 4, Opera 5+. Windows: Gecko
browsers (Mozilla, Netscape 6+, Phoenix...), Netscape 4,
Opera 5, 6 and 7, Internet Explorer 4+.
Other Systems: Mac Safari works fine. Assuming that
their behavior is essentially the same as with their Linux and
Windows counterparts, I've given Gecko browsers, Netscape 4 and
Opera 5+ unlimited access to execute the
Drag and Drop JavaScript. |
Window Resize
wz_dragdrop.js automatically re-integrates images and relatively
positioned layers into the logical structure of the page. That is,
back into the page flow even if line-breaks, table-sizes etc. have
changed. Items that have previously been dragged keep their relative
offset from their - also recalculated - default location within the
page flow (accessible, by the way, through the defx and defy
properties of each item). That means: A user won't break the API if
they decide to resize their browser window. |
How to include the Drag &
Drop Script 1. HTML File: Names for
Drag&Drop elements Images: Each of the images to
be set draggable requires a unique name, as for instance:
<img name="name1" src="someImg.jpg" width="240"
height="135"> Width and height attributes are mandatory and
should be absolute numbers like width="240", rather than relative
ones like width="33%". Layers: Each one requires a unique ID
and, contrary to images, must be positioned relatively or
absolutely: <div id="name2" style="position:absolute;...">Content</div>.
2. Insert pieces of code into HTML
file Insert the following lines into the <body>
section of your html file. This one immediately after!!!
the opening <body> tag: |
<script type="text/javascript"
| | |
And this one directly before the closing </body> tag:
type="text/javascript"> <!--
SET_DHTML("name1", "name2", "anotherLayer", "lastImage");
//--> </script>
| | |
As evident from this example, simply the names of the drag-drop
elements must be passed to SET_DHTML( ), each in quotation marks and
with commas separated from each other. Sequence of names may be
arbitrary. |
3. Save script file Download
the JavaScript Drag Drop library, unzipp it and save it as
wz_dragdrop.js into the same directory as the html file. Or adapt
the path src="wz_dragdrop.js" within the above code piece if you
prefer to save the library to a different directory.
4.Save transparent 1x1 pixel
GIF transparentpixel.gif, coming with the download file
wz_dragdrop.zip, is required by Netscape 4 to create spacers at
the default places of the drag drop images. transparentpixel.gif
should be saved into the same directory as the html file.
5. Doesn't work? Then everything should function. If not:
a) Check the HTML and CSS syntax of your page, preferably
with the W3C-Online-Validator on http://validator.w3.org/. b) Make sure
that you've carefully followed steps
1. through 4 (by far the most frequent reason for problems).
c) Check your own JavaScript code for logical errors and
syntax errors, the latter e.g. by looking at your browser's
JavaScript error console. d) Occasionally, problems arise
with XHTML DTD pages, since the XHTML specification - annoyingly -
doesn't permit document.write(). Then it's inevitable to switch your
page to another DTD, preferably HTML4.01. Don't claim you've
found a bug - unless you have carefully checked anything and
you're very sure. Feedback is anyway welcome. |
Clone or multiply an image?
Or change the cursor? Or convert an image into a slider
with stops? There are several commands available which change, if
passed to SET_DHTML(), the behavior of JavaScript Drag n' Drop
swapImage() Scripting Drag
Drop Elements For example, reading the current coordinates
of a certain drag-drop item and then calling its moveTo() method
offers an easy way to animate images and layers. Moreover, you may
even convert a simple web page, just containing a few images, into a
graphical user interface application, working with the coordinates
of the elements (as demonstated with the slider example above)...
The DHTML Drag Drop Library provides an easily
understandable, user-friendly interface to the properties and
methods of the drag-drop elements. Using this library as DHTML
API you haven't to bother with browser or DOM detection - all this
is performed by the library. For instance, the line
dd.elements.image2.moveTo(300, 200); would reliably
move "image2" to the absolute coordinates (300, 200) in any browser
that can interpret the library, as reliably as the expression
dd.elements.image2.x will retrieve the current X coordinate
of the image.

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